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Latest News & Legal Articles
Telecommunication Law Amended, Laws Numbered 5397 and 5651 Authorization in Electronic Communication
Operators are Subject to Additional Liabilities Arising From Laws Numbered 5397 and 5651: The Regulation on Authorization in Electronic...
$400m Joint Investment Agreement: The Russian Direct Investment Fund and Renaissance Holding of Turk
Jointly investments in the healthcare and infrastructure sectors, using public private partnership (PPP) models, transport and commercial...
Rusya Pazarında İş Yapmanın Püf Noktaları
Rusya ve Türkiye arasındaki ekonomik ilişkilerin gelişmesiyle birlikte, iki ülke vatandaşları karşılıklı olarak birçok sektörde yatırım...
A EUR 55 million loan from the EIB to TOFAS under the EU InnovFin program will increase competitiven
The European Investment Bank (“EIB”) has concluded a EUR 55 million agreement with one of Turkey’s main car manufacturers Türk Otomobil...
Along with the Article 88 of the Omnibus Bill an additional Article has been added
Water Stuctructures Wıll Be Inspected Along with the Article 88 of the Omnibus Bill, an additional Article has been added to the Law on...
Internet Regulation in Omnibus Bill
The Code Numbered 6552 known as “Omnibus bill” has been published on Reiterated Official Gazette dated 11.09.2014. Along with Articles...
Ferrero is authorized to buy Turkey’s largest hazelnut manufacturer
On 12 September 2014, the European Commission had decided to clear the way for Ferrero’s buyout of Turkey’s largest hazelnut manufacturer...
Arbitration Award decides against Iran on $760 million
Arbitration Award decides against Iran, in an arbitration dispute over the purchase price of natural gas. Iran will have to pay $760...
EMRA Introduced New Amendments On Procedures And Principles To Be Applied To Auditing, Preliminary S
EMRA (Energy Market Regulatory Authority in Turkey) has made certain amendments on the auditing principles of the companies operating in...
Suppliers with special charge in Electricity Market
Suppliers with special charge in Electricity Market Pursuant to EMRA’S board decision on 12.09.2012, operations of retail and wholesale...
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