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Rusya Pazarında İş Yapmanın Püf Noktaları
Rusya ve Türkiye arasındaki ekonomik ilişkilerin gelişmesiyle birlikte, iki ülke vatandaşları karşılıklı olarak birçok sektörde yatırım...
New Turkish Law on E-Commerce has been published - Official Gazette dated 5/11/2014
The Law on E-Commerce Numbered 6563 (the Law) has been published on Official Gazette dated 5/11/2014. It will enter in force on...
A EUR 55 million loan from the EIB to TOFAS under the EU InnovFin program will increase competitiven
The European Investment Bank (“EIB”) has concluded a EUR 55 million agreement with one of Turkey’s main car manufacturers Türk Otomobil...
Russian action plan on food security: approved by FAS
Russian action plan on food security approved by FAS The Russian competition authority (FAS) approved an action plan to ensure food...
State aid questions: Exemption from property tax for a state-owned company
State aid questions: Exemption from property tax for a state-owned company The Court of Justice of the EU (“ECJ”) ruled on state aid...
European Commission imposed Euro 138 million fine on Smart Card Chips producing companies
The European Commission has imposed a Euro 138 million fine on smart card chips producing companies in September 2014. The companies...
Competition Authorities Vs Car Parts Makers
For the past five years, competition authorities from the United States, Europe and across Asia have investigated multiple cartels in the...
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