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European Parliament and Council approve of proposed Regulation of European Commission on inter-bank
The European Parliament and the Council decided to approve the proposal drafted by the European Commission on the restriction of...
Rusya Pazarında İş Yapmanın Püf Noktaları
Rusya ve Türkiye arasındaki ekonomik ilişkilerin gelişmesiyle birlikte, iki ülke vatandaşları karşılıklı olarak birçok sektörde yatırım...
New Turkish Law on E-Commerce has been published - Official Gazette dated 5/11/2014
The Law on E-Commerce Numbered 6563 (the Law) has been published on Official Gazette dated 5/11/2014. It will enter in force on...
Russian action plan on food security: approved by FAS
Russian action plan on food security approved by FAS The Russian competition authority (FAS) approved an action plan to ensure food...
State aid questions: Exemption from property tax for a state-owned company
State aid questions: Exemption from property tax for a state-owned company The Court of Justice of the EU (“ECJ”) ruled on state aid...
Gazprom Antitrust Investigation
Gazprom Antitrust Investigation – State of Play The EU-Russia tension over crisis in Ukraine has put on hold negotiations of the European...
Servier and 5 generics are fined for delaying the generic entry of perindopril
Servier and 5 generics are fined for delaying the generic entry of perindopril On 9 July 2014 the European Commission imposed fines...
EU Legal Developments:
REVISED DE MINIMIS NOTICE SUMMARY: The revised Notice on agreements of minor importance, which do not appreciably restrict competition...
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