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The Obligation to Co-Operate with Turkish Entities for Foreign Contractors
The Guideline was announced on February 15, 2015, and named as “Industry Co-Operation Programme Regarding Purchasing of Goods and...
BDDK’nın Bank Asya kararı-Dr. iur. Harun Kılıç
Güncel tartışmalardan birisi, Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurulu’nun (BDDK) 03.02.2015 tarihli ve 6187 sayılı Kararı ile, Asya...
Recent amendments to the law on foreign workers and permit applications, could be of major benefit t
The amendment to the exemption of work permits (Article 55 (c) and (ç) and the changes made will allow foreign companies to send their...
European Parliament and Council approve of proposed Regulation of European Commission on inter-bank
The European Parliament and the Council decided to approve the proposal drafted by the European Commission on the restriction of...
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