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K&P Blog
Latest News & Legal Articles
New Guidelines for the Calculation of Fines in Belgium
Belgium’s Competition Authority has adopted new guidelines for the calculation of fines in antitrust cases to bring it in line with the...
Russian oil producer had been awarded $112 million.
Russian oil producer Tatneft had been awarded $112 million, the decision is base on the compensation, the arbitral decision against...
Energy ship held in Pakistan released by arbitration decision
A Turkish power ship held by the Pakistani government for 25 months was released this month as a decision by ICSID’s arbitration panel,...
International arbitration in Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan adopted a law on international commercial arbitration, which will come into force on 1 January 2016. The law regulates the...
Arbitration Award decides against Iran on $760 million
Arbitration Award decides against Iran, in an arbitration dispute over the purchase price of natural gas. Iran will have to pay $760...
EMRA Introduced New Amendments On Procedures And Principles To Be Applied To Auditing, Preliminary S
EMRA (Energy Market Regulatory Authority in Turkey) has made certain amendments on the auditing principles of the companies operating in...
WTO Regional Trade Policy Course Round Table: Dumping, Subsidies and Safeguards in World Trade
KILIC & Partners’ International legal counsels – Dr. Hanna Stakheyeva, LLM, and Gulnur Kaplan, LLM - took part in the first WTO Regional...
Guidance on Disclosure of Documents from European Commission’s Case File in Action for Damages
The European Commission’s formal opinion dated 5.05.2014 in application of Article 15(1) of Regulation (EC) 1/2003 (“Formal opinion”),...
The Cost of Exclusive Rebates
Competition Commission of Switzerland (“Comco”) in end of July 2014 imposed a fine of Euro 1.5 million on a Swiss news agency...
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