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Dr. Harun KILIÇ, LL.M.




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What I can offer to our Clients


Dr. Harun Kılıç is a founding Partner of KILIÇ & Partners, based in the Istanbul head office, where he practices Turkish and international law. His broad knowledge and practice area experience includes M&A, PPP, project finance, foreign investments, arbitration and dispute resolution. Dr. Harun Kılıç also is well experienced in advising on joint ventures and commercial contracts in the energy and infrastructure sectors, he has acted on behalf of clients in relation to various conventional and renewable energy projects, and has experience in energy infrastructure and distribution, within upstream oil and gas projects and a significant skill set for corporate matters and cross border transactions with the EU, Turkey, the CIS and Asia.


Dr. Harun Kılıç has advised on numerous high profile projects in Europe,Turkey, the CIS and Asia. He is known for substantial practice knowledge, with an outstanding reputation for acting on sizeable transactions for international and domestic clients. Harun is valued by our clients as being "smart, flexible, reliable, for promptness, the professionalism, and cross cultural business experience." 


Dr. Harun Kılıç is a lecturer and guest speaker at local and foreign universities and admitted to both the German and Turkish bar associations. He advises Clients in English, Turkish, and German.




Turkish (native)




Bank & Finance

Capital Market

Corporate Transactions

Commercial Contracts


Energy Law

Intellectual Property

International Trade

Mergers & Acquisitions

Public Private Partnerships

Real Estate

Healthcare & Pharmaceutical


Our Law Firm 

KILIÇ & Partners is a commercial, business oriented firm, born from the founding partner - an independent Turkish lawyer with more than 20 years of experience, acting on behalf of international companies and cooperating with legal firms that have cross border business with Turkey.


During the years of hard work assisting and dealing with multinational companies we quickly realized that all international business operations, irrespective of their industry, would include departmental heads, directors and staff with a mixture of nationalities, experiences and languages, all with different legal issues to solve. This would require a clear and new approach - professional legal advise and communication with the respective multinational clients with reference to their own legal systems and laws, taking due care of their national mentality and peculiarities of doing business in their jurisdictions.


The experience and knowledge gained has focused Dr. Harun Kılıç to create a complete vision for the firm with the opportunity to conduct legal operations in Turkey, without the language barriers or the inexperience of the legal processes in other countries.

We really do believe today that KILIÇ and Partners offers an international law firm experience for our Clients and Partners.

Corporate Turkish and International Lawyer
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Dr. iur. (magna cum laude), Bonn University Faculty of Law, Bonn Germany

LL.M., Istanbul University, Faculty of Law Istanbul Turkey.

LL.B., Istanbul University Faculty of Law, Istanbul Turkey

Commercial & Financial Law, London School of Economics and Political Sciences, London  UK

The Centre for Competition Law and Policy, Oxford University Faculty Of Law, Oxford UK

“Building A Business” - Program, The Saïd Business School, Oxford University, Oxford UK

2010 - present

2010 - present

Publications, Books & Articles From Dr. Harun KILIÇ, LL.M. 

Recent Developments in Merger and Acquisitions in Turkish Energy Market (ICCI 20th International Energy and Environment Exhibition and Conference Book, Istanbul 2014)
Evaluation of Energy Market from the Perspective of Consumer Law (2. Symposium Book on Consumer Law, Istanbul 2012)
Evaluation of the Legal Framework for Establishment and Operation of Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey (ICCI 18th International Energy and Environment Exhibition and Conference Book, Istanbul 2012)
Arbitration in Turkish Energy Investments-Legal Framework and Evaluation of Recent Arbitration Cases (ICCI 18th International Energy and Environment Exhibition and Conference Book, Istanbul 2012)
The Legislation and The Liberalization of Turkish Electricity Market (ICCI 17th International Energy and Environment Exhibition and Conference Book, Istanbul 2011)
Joint Ventures within the Framework of Mergers and Acquisitions (Symposium Book on Recent Developments in Mergers and Acquisitions in Competition Law, Ankara 2011)
Responsibilities of Board Members and Directors According to the European Union Rules (Conference Book on International Conference of Development in Turkish and German Commerce Code and Capital Market Law, Istanbul 2010)
Contingent Liabilities and Permissions of Regulations Authorities for the Acquisition of the Shares of Joint Stock Companies in Turkish Law (Gazi University Law Faculty Journal, XIV. B, Ankara 2010)
Recent Developments in Mergers and Acquisitions in Turkish Energy Market, ICCI 20. International Energy and Environment Exhibition and Conference, April 24-26th, 2014, Istanbul
Limitation of Liability in Public Procurement Contracts, Symposium on Public Procurement Law, organized by Public Procurement Law Institute and Doğuş University, March 27-28th, 2014, Istanbul
New Regulations on Joint Stock Company according to the new Capital Market Law, Symposium on Turkish New Capital Market Law, organized by Bavder, KILIC & Partners International law Firm, and Doğuş Law Faculty supported by Turkish Capital Markets Board, Istanbul Stock Exchange, May 2, 2013, Istanbul
New Regulations on Joint Stock and Limited Liability Companies according to Turkish New Commercial Code, organized by DOSIDER, January 28th, 2013, Istanbul
Legal Framework for Arbitration in Turkish Energy Investment, ICCI 19. International Energy and Environment Exhibition and Conference, April 24-26th, 2013, Istanbul
Evaluation of Energy Market from the Perspective of Consumer Law, 2.Symposium on Consumer Law, organized by Consumer Law Institute and Doğuş University, December 29-30, 2012, Istanbul
Evaluation of the Legal Framework for Establishment and Operation of Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey, ICCI 18th International Energy and Environment Exhibition and Conference, June 15-17th, April 25-27th, 2012, Istanbul
Arbitration in Turkish Energy Investments-Legal Framework and Evaluation of Recent Arbitration Cases, ICCI 18th International Energy and Environment Exhibition and Conference, June 15-17th, April 25-27th, 2012, Istanbul
The Legislation and The Liberalization of Turkish Electricity Market, ICCI 17th International Energy and Environment Exhibition and Conference, June 15-17th, 2011 in Istanbul
Joint Ventures within the Framework of Mergers and Acquisitions, Symposium on Recent Developments in Mergers and Acquisitions in Competition Law, organised by Beykent University Faculty of Law, Istanbul Chamber of Industry and Turkish Competition Authority, April 22th, 2011
Responsibilities of Board Members and Directors According to the European Union Rules, International Conference Development in Turkish and German Commerce Code and Capital Market Law, organized by Turkish Capital Markets Board, Istanbul Stock Exchange and Beykent Law Faculty, June 25-26th, 2010, Istanbul
Liberalization in Turkish Energy Market and Public Private Partnerships, poster presentation, ICCI 16. International Energy and Environment Exhibition and Conference, May 12-14th, 2010, Istanbul
Order for the Execution of a Foreign Judgment and Arbitration Decision in Turkey (in German), ADVO select European Economic Interest Grouping, October 2007, Istanbul
Formal Requirements of The Acquisition of The Shares of The Incorporated Companies (Festschrift For Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Hatemi, Istanbul 2009)
Ancillary Restraints in EC Merger Regulation No 139/2004 (German), Baden-Baden 2008
Franchising Contracts in EC Competition Law, Istanbul 2001



Kanyon Office Building Floor. 6
Buyukdere Avenue. No. 185
Levent 34394 İstanbul  | Turkey


TEL: +90 212 277 41 11

FAX: +90 212 340 76 01

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